I considered running SavaPage on a raspberry pi, but I couldn’t find any ARM builds. As far as I could see there are only x86 builds. Did I miss something?
@MetaFight You are correct. Currently x86 is the only installer available. Although the Java part and shell scripts are cross platform, the C/C++ binaries needs to be rebuild on any non-x86 GNU/Linux platform.The git repositories concerned are:
A community member @ nethserver wants to take this on and in my role as “Arm Team Coordinator” am assisting him. (note nethsever is centos 7 based so we are building for armv7l on Centos)
Building the C/C++ binaries was a quite easy task…
However installing the rest of it is a bigger challenge , this foremost because do not know java (I mean…really nothing)
Any pointers how to go from here?
ATM considering to grep the x64 savapage-setup-<version>.x86.bin extract it
rename some directories to linux-armv7l
exchange the mentioned binaries.
go trough the install scripts and “sed” i686 to armv7l…
@markvnl Welcome to SavaPage! Congrats, the screenshot shows you succeeded to run SavaPage on arm architecture Sure, you can run some simple tests now. For instance, by enabling and creating an Internal User and perform a Web Print. Add a printer in CUPS and it should Synchronize in SavaPage and show up in the User Web App. The User Manual is your friend.
As said we have “build” it on CentOS7 meaning the binaries are build against old versions of pam-devel and cups-devel… Also notable is the outcome of uname -m can be unpredictable on arm 32 bit, on a rpm based system it may be one of these:
Hey friends,
I am interested in what SavaPage seems to promise (open source access to two printers via a webapp, without any client side configuration on PC or smartphone).
However, in order to even test this I need a suited host. I must say I am a bit surprised that the SavaPage project does not support the RaspberryPi, let alone provide a ready-to-deploy RPi image.
What’s the recommended solution here? I want to set up a small print server with minimal size and power requirements.
@ThomDietrich Welcome to SavaPage! The installer is for 64-bit systems only. I implemented a change though: you now have the option to proceed with the installation in case your OS is not recognized as 64-bit. Assuming your RPi is 64-bit, can you have another try with the latest 1.5.0-rc version?
If you’re still looking (and since this post shows up in google searches for running savapage on a pi), you can build the packages yourself as they described. I did a full write up on my blog, but to aid everyone I figured I’d include the steps here.
First run the installer with the -e flag, install the dependencies to build from source, clone the savapage repositories, build the binaries, move them to the extracted install folder, and then run the ./install script within that folder with ./install -d /opt/savapage
I copied my the steps below. If you copy and paste note that this is assuming you are running in the home user of whatever user you’re installing for. If you’ve set savapage’s home directory to /opt/savapage as suggested in the docs, I would advise you change it back to /home/savapage temporarily to run this script.
sh ./savapage-setup-1.6.0-rc-linux-x64.bin -e #quits after extraction
sudo apt install make g++ libpam0g-dev libcups2-dev git -y
git init
git clone https://gitlab.com/savapage/xmlrpcpp.git #Needs to be compiled before savapage-cups-notifier can be compiled.
git clone https://gitlab.com/savapage/savapage-cups-notifier.git #needs cups development package per gitlab's readme as well as xmlrpcpp
git clone https://gitlab.com/savapage/savapage-nss.git #Will run just fine.
git clone https://gitlab.com/savapage/savapage-pam.git #needs the pam development package.
cd ~/xmlrpcpp
cd ~/savapage-cups-notifier
cd ~/savapage-nss
cd ~/savapage-pam
cp ~/savapage-cups-notifier/target/savapage-notifier ~/savapage/providers/cups/linux-x64/savapage-notifier
cp ~/savapage-nss/target/savapage-nss ~/savapage/server/bin/linux-x64/savapage-nss
cp ~/savapage-pam/target/savapage-pam ~/savapage/server/bin/linux-x64/savapage-pam
cd ~/savapage
./install -d /opt/savapage