Getting started with SavaPage: questions and answers

@rose Please send a message to with more details (log files) so we can work out a solution offline and publish the solution here.

Hi @rijkr

I have a question regarding the Network Card Reader functionality in SavaPage. I’m currently using a Network Card Reader with SavaPage on my Raspberry Pi (Which my reader attached to), and it works as expected. However, I’m curious if the Network Card Reader method only functions on the client that is directly attached to the reader, or if it should work across other systems as well.

Could you please clarify if the Network Card Reader authentication is intended to work only on the client where the reader is physically attached? Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Hi @arsel Welcome to SavaPage!

Network Card Reader and Terminal are Device instances that can be linked by a one-to-one relation. You can link a Network Card Reader Device to a Terminal Device in the Custom User Login section. Vice versa, the associated Terminal Device is shown with icon and name at the Network Card Reader Device.

Note: A Network Card Reader can be deployed for just one purpose. Either for Proxy Print Authentication or for Custom User Login at a Terminal Device.

Excuse me sir, How to connect LDAP to Savapage?

@alfarizi The User Manual is your friend: LDAP.

Hi @rijkr

I’m very interested in contributing to the SavaPage project and would like to get involved in the development. However, I’m not entirely sure how to set up the development environment to run SavaPage locally for development purposes.

Could you please guide me on the best way to get started with this? Any tips or documentation that you can point me to would be really helpful.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Best regards,

Hi @andreyp. Welcome to SavaPage! Of course you’re welcome to contribute. As a start you could review Using Eclipse for SavaPage Development. This “how to” is not entirely up to date with the eclipse-jee-2024-06-R version, but it’s the best starting point so far. I’ll contact you in a private message, so we can work out the details.

I would like to know how to solve this instalatiuon issue:
Installing in /opt/savapage
Checking dependencies …
Java 17 detected.
Java JRE … ok
Java JDK … ok
CUPS … ok
binutils … ok
ImageMagick … ok
poppler-utils … ok
Checking utilities …
providers/cups/linux-x64/savapage-notifier … ERROR
server/bin/linux-x64/savapage-nss … ERROR
server/bin/linux-x64/savapage-pam … ERROR
ERROR: Unable to install. One or more SavaPage utilities cannot run.
Please contact the SavaPage Helpdesk.

@jkashernandeza Welcome to SavaPage!

You can check what is wrong by extracting the utilities from your x.x.x installable like this:

./savapage-setup-x.x.x-linux-x64.bin -e savapage/providers/cups/linux-x64/savapage-notifier
./savapage-setup-x.x.x-linux-x64.bin -e savapage/server/bin/linux-x64/savapage-nss
./savapage-setup-x.x.x-linux-x64.bin -e savapage/server/bin/linux-x64/savapage-pam

… and (in same directory of .bin you extracted from) execute like this:

savapage/providers/cups/linux-x64/savapage-notifier -h
savapage/server/bin/linux-x64/savapage-nss -h
savapage/server/bin/linux-x64/savapage-pam -h

What errors do you see? What is your Linux distro version?

@rijkr thanks a lot for your help.
This is the error I found:
bash: savapage/providers/cups/linux-x64/savapage-notifier: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
And it the same for all the other modules.
My distro is:
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Release: 12
Codename: bookworm
running in a raspberrypi os 64 bits
I was looking other comment I’m guessing the issue is that my architecture is: aarch64 (ARM)
still looking for some answer, any help will be very appreciated

The savapage-nss, savapage-pam and savapage-notifier are binaries compiled from .cc source with gcc GNU project C and C++ compiler. The .cc binaries that are part of savapage-setup-*-x64.bin are compiled on amd64 architecture. Of course it is possible to compile on other architectures as well. Can you have a try on your Rpi? This is a first step to compose a SavaPage installable for your Rpi.

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I was able to download and compile the modules.
Using this savapage/providers/cups/linux-x64/savapage-notifier -h (and the others), I have not issues, right now the commands are working but when I try to run the bin, it keeps failing:
Checking utilities …
providers/cups/linux-x64/savapage-notifier … ERROR
server/bin/linux-x64/savapage-nss … ERROR
server/bin/linux-x64/savapage-pam … ERROR
ERROR: Unable to install. One or more SavaPage utilities cannot run.
Please contact the SavaPage Helpdesk

I have the bin in the path: “opt/savapage” and the modules I have them in the same path: “opt/savapage/providers/cups/linux-x64/” and “opt/savapage/server/bin/linux-x64/”

I would like too have more help, please


Thanks a lot for your help @rijkr
I’m ready to proceed with the configuration of the system, but I want to share my experince if someone wants to use a Rpi as me, or have same issue.

Here the step I follow to complete the instalation

  • Have the bin downloaded on your /opt/savapage path
  • Extract all the files: $ sh ./savapage-setup--linux-.bin -e
    • That will create a new dir savapage inside
      • Ex. /opt/savapage/savapage
  • Build you own modules
    • savapage-nss , savapage-pam and savapage-notifier
    • For savapage-notifier notice that you need to download a lib and build it before:
    • Clone the files in the same level (recommended /opt/savapage)
    • The builds are in the dir you clone in the target dir
  • Replace the savapage-* modules in their own paths:
    • savapage-nss and savapage-pam in /savapage/server/bin/linux-x64/
    • savapage-notifier in /savapage/providers/cups/linux-x64/
  • Finally run ./install -d /opt/savapage inside you savapage dir that have all the extracted files
    • make sure you know your root password or make savapage user sudoer before